
Customer Testimonials

“My basement was flooded when I called them, within 48 hours they waterproofed the whole basement and put a sump pump in. They also charged ½ of what the other company quoted me. Can’t go wrong. ”
Steven Pszenny Worcester, Ma

“Renovated my basement and my neighbors for under 20K each. In all it took less than 2 months. Honest, professional and went above and beyond.”
A Bttagat, Shrewsbury, Ma

“They saved my finished basement; they were at my house within two hours of calling them, replaced my sump pump and stopped my basement from flooding. Very happy, great service.
Rachel Sweeney Millbury, Ma

“Transformed my basement into an amazing space for the family. We added a bathroom and about 700 sq feet of living space. In took about 7 weeks and communicated great throughout the whole project. We did add a few things, but besides that the cost was exactly what he told us. Very professional and trustworthy. I’ve sent numerous family members over.
Sumeet D. Westborough, Ma

“They completed the waterproofing on time, I will be having them finish my basement next year. I would highly recommend them.”
Sara Rodriguez Auburn, Ma

“Professional, dependable and the quality was outstanding all for a reasonable price. Very happy customer.”
Jack Stewart Natck, Ma

“I used another company a couple years ago to waterproof part of my basement, they didn’t compare to Cunningham basements who completed the job because the original company didn’t show up after I gave them a deposit. I got a better service and they did what they promised.”
Jim Shrewsbury, Ma

“I’ve hired Cunningham basements twice and both times I was extremely happy. They even did some other work for me because I couldn’t find anyone. referred multiple people to them and will keep doing it as they are the best.
Bipn Vaddi Shrewsbury, Ma

Get in touch with us for a free estimate for your basement finishing needs!